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How Big Box Retailers Can Create a World-Class Experience in Retail

Not many businesses understand the adage that “good news travels fast and bad news travels faster.” In today’s digital and mobile era, any experience – good or bad – can travel globally in seconds.  For retail brands, the market is a high-stakes game of exceeding customers’ expectations.

Brands that impress their customers boost retention rates and drive their revenue higher. In fact, raising customer retention two percent can produce revenue equal to a ten percent cut in costs.

Stop making customers jump through hoops

High-touch customer service programs look beyond single touch points. They focus on the end-to-end experience. That means taking a holistic view of the customer journey. Why? Because just one negative contact can taint an otherwise positive experience.

So, how do you create a world class customer experience in retail? You need to embrace these key elements:

  • Deploy a flexible and scalable workforce. This ensures that customers have a good experience no matter when they interact with your brand. This is critical in the retail industry with its huge increase in traffic during the holidays. Top retailers raise their staffing by two to three times during this period.
  • Create a first-call resolution rate of 90%  or higher. Imagine a customer has a technical issue with their TV. They call the retailer they bought it from. The retailer suggests calling the manufacturer directly. The manufacturer points them back to the retailer and even the cable provider.

At this point, the customer returns the product out of frustration. Your bottom line suffers and your brand takes a hit to its reputation. You can avoid all of this just during the customer’s first call.

  • Implement behavior-based training: An expert workforce can get you close to a 90 percent first-call resolution rate. However, managing to a metric won’t get you beyond the goal. Breaking through requires teaching each agent the skills that “wow” customers. More important is instilling an outspoken boldness in your representatives. They need to feel rewarded for reporting broken tools, processes and policies. Fix what’s broken and you’ll drive beyond 90 percent.

Ensure customers only have good things to say

Your customers talk about your brand whether you see it or not. In fact, 87 percent of them will share positive interactions—and 95 percent will share their bad ones. In short, high-touch customer service retains and attracts new customers through word of mouth.

Making the investment in high-touch customer experience is a must. It’s vital than ever in today connected, digital world where one bad contact can go global.


Family Helping Family in The Wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma

“I know what it’s like to be in that situation. I was once homeless,” said Genevieve Davis, having seen news reports of Hurricane Harvey’s devastation.  A hurricane evacuee herself ten years ago, Davis felt compelled to help victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

So, she rallied with her Global teammates in their Tucson, Arizona office and was one of many who donated 100% of their recently earned overtime pay to the MLBA Disaster Relief Fund. Through a variety of local fundraisers, Global employees around the country have raised more than $136,000 for the fund. You can find Genevieve’s story, and see images of other relief efforts at Global, here.

The folks managing the relief fund are the good people at Making Lives Better with Global (MLBG), an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit. It’s mission is to make lives better by providing assistance to Global employees, their families and the people, organizations, and communities who support them.

A self-funded, crowd-sourced organization, MLBG lives and breathes at the grassroots level. There’s a chapter at each Global office in the US.  Every chapter’s board of directors are the local office employees and they call the shots. They decide how to raise funds, who to help with grants and when and where to volunteer. You’ll find MLBG’s disaster relief updates here.